Nabi Abdurakhmanov

Honored Worker of Arts of Uzbekistan,

Artistic Director of the Youth theatre of Uzbekistan and International theatre festival,

Chairman of the Uzbek Centre of ASSITEJ,

Knight of Pushkin Medal – The State Award of Russia


Artistic Director of the Youth theatre of Uzbekistan Nabi Abdurakhmanov is a born theatrical person. Today he is one of the famous and original artistic directors on the modern Uzbek stage.
Basing his work on the theatre school of Stanislavsky, he takes it as a starting point in his bold experiments. Incredible hardworking and inborn talent helps him to create remarkable performance of many different genres both on the stage of the theatre in Tashkent and abroad.
The director is not afraid of challenging. In his performances you can find a logical and precisely arranged system created on his own, which touches the figurativeness, symbolic, mysticism and `gives birth` to the “theatre that has no falsity”, poet Timur Zulfikarov said. His performance are “the real Magic of the Theatre”.

Timur Zulfikarov (famous Russian poet and writer, winner of the Collets International Prize for the best European novel of 1993):
“I touched the theatre that has no falsity. In our time it happens very rare and characterizes the real art. No everyone is capable of living on the stage like this, giving himself so fanatically to his work…”

Valery Podgorodinskiy (theatre critic, Moscow, Russia):
“We faced hereby with serious, subtle and talented group, for which a Theatre is a Temple”

Nora Kutateladze (theatre critic, the International Confederation of Theatrical Unions, Moscow):
“The existence of such theatre, as the Youth Theatre of Uzbekistan is the highest achievement of culture in Uzbekistan! How the country can be proud that there is a such remarkable theare – theatre of Nabi Abdurakhmanov”

Boris Tuch (theatre critic, Tallinn, Estonia):
“If I remember all performance of Youth Theatre of Uzbekistan, which I’ve seen, I have every reason to say that this theatre has its independent artistic and aesthetic direction on which goes the theatre!”

Lara Garon (theatre critic, St. Peterburg):
“During the performance, such names as Paradjanov, Tarkovskiy came to my mind. The director Abdurakhmanov, doubtlessly, on the same level as these unique artist…”